Trailrunning Text

Around the Tegernsee, you don’t have to look far for conditions like these. Myriad routes and trails in the nearby mountains are practically begging to be explored at a nice brisk jog.

It doesn’t always have to be the most daunting paths at the highest elevations, and it's not about speed, either.

Contrary to popular belief, trail running isn’t exclusively an extreme sport; it can also be just a jog through the woods or along a lake. Going off the beaten path can be an attractive alternative for any conventional runner: Every step on uneven terrain gives the body new movements to learn while promoting coordination and sharpening one's reactions.

Experience true freedom in nature as you charge your way up a mountain. The Tegernsee Valley has plenty of trails to try.

For beginners

Wide forest roads and a spot where you can rest and refuel make Neureuth the perfect destination for those new to trail running and anyone who wants to try something new.

For experienced runners

Located at over 700 metres above sea level, the narrow trails on this 11-kilometre route require both good endurance and a bit of trail running experience. Your efforts will be rewarded with the fabulous views from Baumgartenschneid, however.

For expert runners

If you're up for more than a thousand metres of elevation, these 15 kilometres of slender paths wind their way through forests and over mountain pastures all the way up to the Risserkogel, the second-highest peak in the mountains around the Tegernsee. This route is not suitable for beginners.